EXW (Ex Works) - represents
the minimum involvement of the seller and the maximum
involvement of the buyer in the movement of the goods from the
point of 'works'.
The statement 'EXW' must be
qualified to give the address of the 'works', which may be a
factory, site or warehouse etc. Care should be taken to note
that the actual point of manufacture might well vary from the
place where the seller operates their commercial undertaking.
Under INCOTERMS 2000, risk
and responsibility pass from the seller to the buyer when the
cargo is made available on the ground at the 'works', at or on
the agreed future date or future time, uncleared through
The seller must give advance
notice of availability (how much notice would have to be
predetermined e.g. through the sales contract). This point is
important as the buyer assumes liability for all risks from
the time of availability on the ground and is therefore
exposed from that moment up to the event of collection. During
this period, the buyer is liable for all risks to the cargo,
even though they are not yet under the buyer's physical
control, and this is further aggravated by the fact that the
goods are generally uninsured throughout this period too.
The buyer and seller should
only consider EXW when the buyer can actually arrange the
customs clearing prior to export and for the immediate
collection of the cargo on availability. The Seller should
note that the export of the goods is NOT guaranteed under EXW
and the buyer may, for example, opt to keep the goods in the
country of origin.
Although EXW is a popular
term it remains complex. EXW is rarely compatible with
documentary credits (for example) - and the term FCA often
offers a more manageable alternative.
FCA (Free Carrier) defines
the conditions under which many sellers and buyers actually
transfer risks. FCA must be qualified by both naming the place
where risks and responsibilities pass from the seller to the
buyer and by identifying the carrier the buyer has appointed.
FCA requires the seller to
take responsibility for risks and costs up to this handover,
including export customs clearance.
It is important to consider
that the nature of the carrier being used, and the various
points of transfer that different modes of transport may
involve, are subject to extreme variables. It is common that
the transport used to deliver or handover is a different than
the actual transport to be used for the main carriage (e.g.
collected by road for an airfreight export). The term may well
involve detailed instruction to make such distinctions and it
should be noted that multimodal transport documents better
serve this term than traditional documents such as Bills of
Lading or Airwaybills.
For deep-sea transactions,
FCA represents an excellent alternative to FOB, which is
inappropriate in most modern port operations. However, under
FCA the seller hands over risks/control of the cargo at a
point prior to the vessel, frequently prior to the port.
Although this reflects the physical condition of much
seafreight trade conducted using 'FOB'; it is a departure from
the commoner financial interpretation of 'FOB'. This normally
obligates the seller to pay for the origin handling/loading
and/or stowage charges raised by the port.
Under FCA, these charges are for the buyer's account. If this
is not acceptable, the term may be modified to represent the
passage of FCA risks with 'FOB' costs.
FCA may involve the carrier
collecting from the seller or the seller delivering to the
carrier, dependant on the conditions of the sales contract.
FAS (Free Alongside Ship) is
Monomodal in that it may only be used for transaction where
the main carriage is by seafreight. Note that the entire
journey need not be by sea, but the moment of 'export' must
Under this term, which has a
considerably long tradition, risk and responsibility pass from
the seller to the buyer when the goods are placed alongside a
named ship (or a ship operated by a named service) at a named
area within a named port. FAS requires the seller to arrange
export customs clearing.
The essential aspect of the
term is that the vessel is in port prior to the seller
delivering the cargo into the port area.
However, in many markets,
the seller is not allowed into the harbour area. Even if the
seller can enter the port area, most operations involve the
placing of cargo into a berth where the vessel in question is
intended to arrive, as opposed to it having physically docked
prior to the arrival of the cargo. Thus the vessel comes to
the cargo rather then the cargo coming to the vessel.
There are significant risks
associated with the older seafreight terms (such as FAS, FOB,
CFR/CIF etc) specifically with regard to the transport
documents issued. Careful consideration should be given to the
appropriate section of the official INCOTERMS 2000 text
dealing with 'proof of delivery'. In many cases, the modern
documents issued by lines may present risk-management
complications to the seller when using such an old term as FAS.
The use of this term in the
charter and bulk markets is attractive as an alternative to
many of the traditional chartering terms that are often
subject to unique definitions from country to country - or
even between ports within one country.
FOB (Free On Board) is one
of the commoner trade terms in use. Yet this 'common' aspect
of the term has resulted in the myriad definitions found all
over the world for FOB.
Some of these directly
contradict others, and many are supported by domestic
legislation making such definitions unique to a specific
country or port.
In defining FOB as an
INCOTERM, it is expressed as being Monomodal and it can only
be used for transactions where seafreight is the main
carriage. Therefore, as an INCOTERM, there is no application
for FOB in road, rail or air transport.
Under INCOTERMS 2000, risk
and responsibility pass from the seller to the buyer when the
goods pass over the (named or unnamed) ship's rail at the
(named) port of loading, cleared for export by the seller.
For FOB to apply, the seller
must be in the physical position of being able to load the
cargo over the rail under their own direct control i.e. the
loading is undertaken by the seller's own labour, or by an
agent that is under the contractual control of the seller.
Further this process would have to be monitored by both the
seller and buyer or their representatives.
Generally, from the modern
deep-sea export perspective, this control often cannot be
achieved as the seller is either not allowed into the harbour
area or, even in those extreme circumstances where they are,
they have no influence over the party loading the vessel.
The INCOTERM FOB still has
an application in some markets, but these are more and more in
the minority. Note that the use of an 'on-board' Bill of
Lading or mate's receipt could be appropriate in recording the
passage of risks under FOB making FOB one of the few terms
still unavoidably dependant on such documents.
Terms beginning 'C' are
'Contracts of Dispatch'. They differ from other INCOTERMS as
they segregate the point at which risk and responsibility
passes from the point at which costs pass.
Under all other terms, the point of transferring risk and the
point at which responsibility for cost is also transferred are
simultaneous. With the 'C' terms this is NOT the case.
CFR (Cost and Freight) has a
long history and outside of INCOTERMS a definition with
consensus is difficult.
As an INCOTERM risk passes from the seller to the buyer when
the cargo crosses the ship's rail at the origin port. However,
the responsibilities for the costs of transit only pass from
the seller to the buyer at the destination port. CFR and CIF
are Monomodal expressions used when the main carriage is by
sea and both are suited to the use of Bills of Lading.
Because the ship's rail is
seen as triggering these terms, it is often inappropriate to
use either in a modern port and reference should be made to
the notes on this subject under FOB.
Buyers are disadvantaged
with contracts of dispatch. The buyer must take risks for a
period of carriage during which the buyer has no means of
controlling or limiting those risks. The carrier used; the
costs incurred for carriage and the timing of the carriage are
all under the seller's control. The buyer must consider this
disparity before accepting a C termed contract. From the
seller's perspective, the C terms represent exceptional
risk-management opportunities and are actively pursued as a
CIF (Cost, Insurance and
Freight) represents the condition of CFR with the addition of
Insurance. This is the first of only two terms that place a
compulsory responsibility for insurance on the seller. Under
all other terms, the buyer considers insurance as an optional
responsibility. (Refer CIP)
CPT (Carriage Paid To) is
the multimodal equivalent of CFR. The named place where the
seller's costs end can be a point other than a seaport (as
well as being a seaport), in the buyer's country.
CPT may be used for
airfreight, roadfreight and railfreight as well as for
seafreight when the ship's rail serves no purpose. E.g. if the
destination is an inland point or a modern port with
conditions as discussed under FOB.
CPT requires the use of multimodal documents and documents
such as Bills of Lading or Airwaybills may prove inappropriate
in recording the passage of risks under this term.
CPT, risk and
responsibility passes when the cargo is handed to the first
carrier (with a carrier defined as either an Actual or
Contractual carrier i.e. a Freight Forwarder or Multi
Transport Operator could act as 'carrier' as could an airline
or shipping line).
However, responsibility for
costs only transfer when the goods arrive at the stated place
where carriage is 'paid to'. The diagram represents this
condition with a brace, indicating that the place where
carriage is paid to may be any point in the country of
The cautions expressed for buyers using CFR are equally
applicable to CPT with added complications in that the
transfer of risks can begin earlier. If the carrier is
collecting the cargo from the seller's premises then the risks
of carriage pass to the buyer at that point, while the buyer's
ability to control the costs and timing of carriage only pass
at the destination point.
Although these reservations warrant serious consideration for
a buyer, they represent great risk-management opportunities
for the seller.
CIP (Carriage &
Insurance Paid to) represents CPT with the inclusion of
Insurance. The cautions and notes made regarding CPT equally
apply to CIP.
Terms prefixed 'D' are
'Contracts of Arrival' involving the passing of risk and
responsibility at the point where costs also terminate.
DES (Delivered Ex Ship) is
Monomodal. Although not triggered by the use of the ship's
rail, the point of handover (ship's side, arrived) will be
inappropriate in a modern port. The buyer may not be able to
take control at a point in a restricted port area. An
alternative D term such as DDU might be better suited to
represent an achievable point of handover for both parties.
DES will often financially
correlate to CFR. But, for the buyer DES represents CFR
without the disadvantages of placing risks on the buyer, over
which they have no control. (See CFR)
From the seller's perspective, DES reverses the risk
advantages of CFR, placing all risks with the seller until the
cargo arrives at the named port.
DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay)
extends the shipper's responsibility beyond the arrival of the
vessel to the point where the goods are discharged.
Although not triggered by
the use of the ship's rail, the point of handover (landside on
the harbour, duty paid) is frequently inappropriate in a
modern port environment. The buyer may not be able to take
control at that point and an alternative D term such as DDP
may be better suited to identify an achievable point of
handover between the two parties.
Seller's using DEQ are
cautioned that they must be in a position to pay the
destination discharge fees both in physical terms as well as
administratively in accordance with any Exchange Control
Regulations applicable in the country of Origin.
Caution is appropriate when
using D prefixed terms with Documentary Credits as few
'documents' are geared to record the passing of risks on
DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid)
is a Multimodal term that must be further qualified by naming
the place up to which the seller is prepared to take
responsibility for transport costs (and the corresponding
risks of transit). This is excluding the payment of domestic
duties and the ancillary clearance charges associated with the
import process at destination.
DDU will often financially
correlate to CPT. But, for the buyer DDU represents CPT
without the disadvantages of placing risks on the buyer, over
which they have no control. (See CPT)
From the seller's perspective, DDU reverses the risk
advantages of CPT, placing all risks with the seller until the
cargo arrives at the named port.
As with all of the D prefixed terms, this term is not easy to
use in conjunction with a Documentary Credit and as a
multimodal term, would require the use of Multimodal transport
documents over any traditional monomodal documents such as
Bills of Lading or Airwaybills.
Sellers are further
cautioned that, if the intended transit is beyond the point of
entry in the country of destination, then their ability to
move the goods to the final destination may be dependent on
the buyer's ability to first clear the goods through the
customs authority. The possibility of delays in transit and
any resultant storage charges (should the buyer fail to
conduct clearance in good time), should be noted.
Seller's should be equally aware of additional charges which
may be due for payment resultant from local taxes which do not
fall into the category of 'duty', but are nevertheless payable
prior to release.
DDU (and DDP) correlates
closely to the generic expressions of 'free domicile', 'franco
domicile' and 'free house', which are frequently used in the
transport industry. Each should be avoided due to their
ambiguous nature.